Poster for the ICMC Summer Meeting to Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Jack K hale
Invatation to Hale Conference
Hale and Lin
Hale and some of his students
Hale and Nat Chafee
Jack K. Hale and Waldyr Muniz Oliva
Hotel Anaca, Sao Carlos, Brazil
Hotel Anaca by the swimming pool
Genevieve Ragel and XBL
Bernold Fiedler
Carlos Rocha
Goerge Sell
Joan Sola-Morales, Waldyr Muniz Oliva, Giorgio Fusco and Goerge Sell
Joan Sola-Morales
KP Hadeler and Lin
Lin, Giorgio Fusco and Waldyr Oliva
Carlos Rocha, Bernold Fiedler, XBL and Karl Hadeler
Lin and Giorgio Fusco
Fusco, Hale, Carlos and Lin