2. How good has the instructor been about informing the class how final grades will be determined? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
3. How good has the instructor been about beginning and ending class on time? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
4. How good has the instructor been about making fair and reasonable tests? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
5. How good has the instructor been about grading tests and homework fairly? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
6. How good has the instructor been about returning tests and homework on time? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
7. How good has the instructor been about speaking clearly? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
8. How good has the instructor been about writing clearly? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
9. How good has the instructor been about receiving and replying to questions and comments? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
10. How good has the instructor been about being available outside of the classroom? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
11. How good has the instructor been about giving stimulating and interesting lectures? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
12. How valuable have the lectures been? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
13. How valuable has the textbook been? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
14. What is your overall evaluation of the instructor so far? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
15. What is your overall evaluation of this course so far? RESPONSE - Excellent Good Fair Poor No Opinion
16. Describe things that you like about the course or instructor. Use as much space as you need.
17. Describe things that you don't like about the course or instructor. Use as much space as you need.
18. Suggest improvements, or make other comments. Use as much space as you need.